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Supported living services

About the service

The service seeks to provide high quality, secure accommodation with tools that support, improve, perform and integrate 16-25-year-olds into the community.  The service will be delivered consistently and professionally without discrimination by well trained and respectful staff who respect the dignity and worth of young people who are adapting to their new experiences.

The desired goal of our service is to have a better and more secure future for young people leaving care by making sure that they have the same opportunities and hopes as other people living in the community.

We also aim to:

  • Educate and empower young people to have the capacity to care for themselves and others.

  • Develop and maintain clear boundaries that help them practice safe behaviours.

  • Work with the young people individually in order to assess and know their needs.

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+44 7932587134

18+ Staffing Structure 5 hours per week
17+ Minimum Support House 10 hours per week