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Staffing services

About the service

Dexterlee Healthcare aims to recruit support staff from various backgrounds that possess skills and experience in mental health, learning disabilities, physical disabilities and young adult services. We are cognisant of the fact that our support workers form a fundamental foundation of our organisation’s operation. As such, we will take great care in recruiting, training, and supervising our staff. We also employ staff with skills in community involvement, youth justice, advocacy, motivational techniques, parenting, sexual health and safeguarding.

A robust recruitment procedure is in place with all checks done before staff can commence duties. In addition, all staff will undertake basic training in food hygiene, health and safety, and first aid as part of their ongoing development.

The working environment will reflect a commitment to staff development through supervision, appraisal, and training. The relationship between supervisor and supervisee, manager and staff member should reflect an honest, trustworthy, positive, and professional approach to issues.

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